Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Yahoo's Anti-Spyware Toolbar doesn't work

There's a post on Techdirt that talks about how bad the new Yahoo anti-spyware tool is. "...they want to look good to users in the front, while letting in spyware/adware from partners through the backdoor." Sounds just like the tool I was looking for. Isn't this a little like the mafia buying off cops to avoid prosecution? The only thing worse than not having an anti-spyware tool is having one that you think works but doesn't.


CNE said...

Actually, the only thing worse than having an anti-spyware tool you think works but doesn't, is having one that is actually spyware.

CNE said...

One other note... Yahoo's anti-spyware tool won't remove stuff from Claria, previously known as Gator. Maybe Yahoo will start automatically installing Bonzai Buddy for you as well.

Unknown said...

Coming soon to a Yahoo toolbar near you, a new "Cool Web Search".

CNE said...

The second link in my first comment is broke -- I thought you could link directly to Google group postings, but evidently not.