Friday, May 28, 2004

Gmail Under Fire In California

Cali. Democratic state Sen. Liz Figueroa wants Gmail to scan your email in real-time only, and not keep records or sell your information to other companies. Her bill has been approved by the Cali. senate. I'm not for sure what Sen. Figueroa is fussing about, because Gmail's privacy policy seems pretty straight forward, including the following: "We will never rent, sell or share information that personally identifies you for marketing purposes without your express permission." I don't consider a beta email system such a threat to my privacy -- I know NO email system connected to the Internet will be 100% secure and private.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What I don't understand is who exactly she is fighting this battle for. I don't hear any GMail users complaining about the privacy policy. All I hear is people saying, "please send me an invite." Maybe she's just mad because she can't get an account.