Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Berman Talks Enterprise Future: "Star Trek: Enterprise executive producer Rick Berman told the official Star Trek Communicator magazine that he's confident UPN will pick up the ratings-challenged series for a fourth season" Finally, a show I like that doesn't get cancelled. At least until next year.


FuserKill said...

I think they have had a strong season I for one have enjoyed it.

CNE said...

The series really lost some speed after the first season. I really don't mind Enterprise sticking around or not, which is pretty sad for Universal's moneymaking machine. I've heard a lot chattering about letting the Star Trek franchise idle for a while... which may or may not be good.

Unknown said...

Jarn, have you watched much of this season? It's actually brought me back in. I'm really enjoying the Zindi arc. Nice to see Star Trek take a dark turn.

Unknown said...

I just finished watching last night's episode and it was pretty good. Chock full of fighting, murder, betrayal, and kidnapping. Good television!