Friday, December 10, 2004

My Contribution - Online Bookmarks

I am sure all of you know of, and some even use, the Bookmarks Synchronizer extension for Firefox.

With an XSL style sheet, the uploaded XBEL.xml file, and a little PHP magic you can use the uploaded XBEL to make a continually updated bookmarks page on your website. I did not develop this trick. I originally found this on a Gadgetopia Blog if you want to go straight to the source.

I have a zip file on my website which contains the PHP, XSL, CSS, and a sample XBEL file in case you want to use this trick yourself.

You can see a sample of the generated output by going to this address.


CNE said...

Bookmarks Synchronizer 1.0.1 for Firefox on OS X seems to be making Firefox quite wonky. Specifically, Firefox will not want to quit correctly. The issue was duplicated on both my laptops (work and personal), both running Mac OS 10.3.

CNE said...

It was the profile, D. Thanks for the technical support! Send the bill to Pointy.