Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Enterprise dies a slow death in favor of Yankee baseball

As noted by some people on Star Trek: Enterprise Forum - TV Tome apparently UPN has made it their businesses to make us watch the Yankees lose. Normally I would be happy that UPN is airing the game being a fan, but at least wait until the series ends, for those in the area catch the Saturday night replay, I believe it is on @ 8pm Sat nights. The yankees need to win and T'Pol needs to wear less clothes on these final episodes.


Unknown said...

I'm hoping that Trek comes back as Starfleet Academy (written and directed by Joss Whedon of course).

CNE said...

Let's hope that they take a while to bring back Trek, like Rick Berman is promising.

And I think any Starfleet Academy show will be wretched. Unless you're going to do some hard-core character development (like DS9), a Star Trek show has to be about exploring to succeed. Starfleet Academy on UPN will explore "teen agnst" and "peer pressure" and "coming of age".