Thursday, January 13, 2005

"End of Line" Just Doesn't Make Any Sense Today

I love Tron for about the same reasons other love the movie; campy yet cool, futuristic yet lo-tech, a family-friendly jaunt into (at the time) the undiscovered cyberspace. It really captured my imagination when I was a kid. When I heard Tron 2.0 was going to be a videogame, I thought Disney made a mistake by not making a movie sequel; when I heard the game was decent, I felt vindicated and sad.

There is a lot great storytelling that can be done within the setting of "inside a computer." (ReBoot is a great example of that.) The Tron universe is pretty much left wide open. There's plenty of room to write a great sequel of the movie (with ties off the game); but a remake (as reported by Empire Online)? I'm thinking another mistake.

I guess Disney needs a project like a Tron remake to get self-sufficient in their 3D animation, since there's a good chance they'll lose their development deal with Pixar. Their current non-Pixar 3D stuff has been flying under the radar since its lame. No matter the reason, I hope Disney makes an actual effort to support and produce this movie, and not choke off funding and advertising at the drop of a review.

And that whole Disney's DVD Vault? Don't get me started! Don't even get me started!

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