Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Firefox,, The Browser Re-packaged

There's a new version of Firefox available (0.9.3). This release fixes 4 security holes and should be installed as soon as possible. Download, and enjoy!


CNE said...

Maybe the title of this post should be "Firefox,, Less Secure Than We'd Like To Think." Or possibily "Firefox,, Still More Secure Than IE."

Unknown said...

...or how about "Firefox: We fix security holes in 48 hours". IE can takes anywhere from 1-12 months to fix security holes.

Did you see that the the Mozilla foundation is offering bounties for finding security problems? $500 per occurence.

CNE said...

Microsoft started a reward system in November 2003. An another reward for finding the MyDoom writer(s). My point is not "yay Microsoft, Mozilla is just following them"; it is actually "rewards do not make products more secure."

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You're looking at this the wrong way. There's a huge difference in what they are doing! Microsoft is paying people to help arrest hackers. Mozilla is paying hackers to find security holes so they can fix them. Microsoft's approach has nothing to do with fixing security holes. Mozilla's strategy is all about finding and fixing security holes.