Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Thunderbird 0.7 Release Candidate Now Available

Thunderbird 0.7 RC is now available for download. It's nice to see they fixed the problem where Thunderbird crashed coming out of sleep mode in OS X. More important changes include the new extension manager, minor improvements to junk mail, and IMAP improvements.


CNE said...

The new extention manager in the latest releases of Firefox & Thunderbird -- as its own menu function, and not part of the standard preferences -- is excellent.

Unknown said...

Agreed. The extension and theme managers are excellent. I'm thrilled that they set up a way to auto-update extensions!

CNE said...

Update -- The official 0.7 version has been released. I would make a new topic, but FrenchBurrg will snootily reply: "We already blogged this. I fart in your general direction!"

Unknown said...

'Tis but a flesh wound!

The RC wasn't around for very long was it? I installed the final release yesterday and it worked quite nicely. I was a bit surprised to see that they kept the Qute theme that they ditched in Firefox. I imagine that will change in subsequent releases.