Sunday, February 29, 2004

There's a very cool web site called The Burning Edge that I just ran across. It blogs developments in nightly builds of Mozilla Firefox. Even if you don't use nightly builds, it has a "bigger picture" page that describes new features that will be in the next release. I just got 0.8 and I'm already excited for 0.9! I'm especially excited about new feature 189888 which shows a warning dialog when closing a multi-tabbed browser window. Major improvement 231995 isn't too shabby either.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Microsoft is considering an update dubbed XP Reloaded. Let's hope it doesn't suck as bad as the Matrix Reloaded! If it does, we're all in for a world of hurt...

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Zed, bring out the Gimp 2.0! A freeware image manipulation program that is nearly as powerful as Photoshop, zee Gimp should be ready for 2.0 release sometime in March. Looks like it will run with Windows and Mac OS X. You can obtain a preview release version, if you're bold and dashing.
Good news for fans of Kate Beckinsale: Underworld 2 is going to happen!
Bill Gates predicts the demise of passwords. Fine by me. One user, one password sure sounds like a simple solution, unless you have mulitple systems with multiple OSes and security measures. I'm sure Bill will provide us with a end-all be-all solution, so long as we install Windows on everything. :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Help, I've been iJacked! The iPod proves a massive hit with thieves. Maybe it should be called the cult of the stolen white earbuds...

Monday, February 23, 2004

At least our first-level helpdesk doesn't work like the technical support call center described in this article. I actually starting working with an outsourced call center before coming to my current position, and the training was a little more technical than the article allows. The article is entertaining in a "I knew this is happening!" kind of way. Remember the Mantra: "We don't support that."

Friday, February 20, 2004

Version 2.2.4 of everyone's favorite FTP app FileZilla has been released. Download, and Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

News of the weird: Teen Surfs Net, Learns He Was Allegedly Abducted.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Lexington, KY Shooting Suspect: I Was Fighting 'Alien Clones': "'We're going against the evil alien clones,' the Herald-Leader reported Hutchinson as saying in its Saturday editions. 'I started with my wife.'"

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Now here's something that might make IceBurrg's Monday seem bright and cheery: Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE). This will allow you to boot into a Win32 enviroment (taken from your Windows XP/Server 2K3 CD) on a CD/DVD-Rom. So now you can have a computer boot into Windows from the CD, "with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600) and FAT/NTFS/CDFS filesystem support." This is supposedly better than Windows own Preinstalled Enviroment, which reportedly has limited GUI applications. Thanks to the Mighty Mighty Slashdot for the info.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

What is the Internet? Why, it is a world of ends, an agreement that is not owned or controlled by any single entity. That's great; too bad the people providing the services for and access to the Internet seem to have different thoughts on what the agreement should be. The world of ends link above a good read in a "Declaration of Independence" sort of way; unlike that famous document, world of ends will remain just a good read until people take action towards the powers-that-be.
Looking for an answer to your Firefox upgrading problems? How about trying the shiny new MozillaZine Knowledge Base?
Mozilla Backup 1.2.2 has been released. It support Thunderbird 0.5 and Firefox 0.7. Download, and enjoy.

Monday, February 09, 2004

In case you missed it in all of the Firefox hooplah, Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 was released today. Download, and enjoy!
First, the good news: Mozilla Firebird 0.8 was officially released this morning. Now the bad news: in a travesty of naming justice, Mozilla Firebird has been renamed to Mozilla Firefox. Who on earth thought this was a good idea?

Friday, February 06, 2004

The world has a new reason to rock: Li'l G n'R, the kid-staffed tribute band to Guns n' Roses.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

iLoo? Lindows? Get a load of these stupid tech moments.
Do you like computers? How about motorcycles? If you like both, then you have one more reason to like AMD.
Spyware cures may cause more harm than good | CNET "Web surfers battling "spyware" face a new problem: so-called spyware-killing programs that install the same kind of unwanted advertising software they promise to erase." This is a frightening concept. I'm glad that Spybot isn't the one doing this because I use it constantly to fix people's laptops.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Jarn_the_GameCubePlayer was kind enough to fix the html problem with Stupid Users that prevented it from displaying properly in Internet Explorer. Not that anyone that reads Stupid Users actually uses IE now that Mozilla Firebird is available... Thanks Jarn!
Nvu - The Complete Web Authoring System for Linux "Finally! A complete Web Authoring System for Linux Desktop users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver." I don't know if I'd go that far, but it does look like a viable alternative. The price is right (free) and there's a Linux and PC version available. Download, and enjoy.
Progress from IceBurrg's favorite project, the Linux for GameCube guys: "We have released a 1 MB busybox-based Linux system that contains screen output, network code, a telnet server and a webserver. We also provide a kernel patch." It's hard to create .htaccess files with just a controller. Details at their web site.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

TiVo says that the Janet Jackson boobage during the Super Bowl is the most replayed event ever. Waitaminute, TiVo is tracking what we watch and what we replay? They're watching me watching TV! Quick, into this tin foil hat, which will protect us from their brainscanners!
Well it's about time! Firebird 0.8 is due out next Monday!
There's a thread at Macslash calling the iPod a gateway drug. My gateway drug was a tricked-out 15" Aluminum G4 PowerBook. Quick poll - what was yours - if you had one?

Monday, February 02, 2004

Click here to see the stolen SCO code that Linux is using.
A couple gives their newborn son's name a version number. The thought went through my head as I was thinking of names for my child, but then I had the realization that the poor kid would get his ass beaten every day by other kids.
Just when it started getting good, UPN executives decided they need to mess with Enterprise.
Sourceforge project of the week: Oubliette. Funny name, amazing utility. It's a secure password manager that has the ability to fill in web forms for you. Best of all, it has support for Mozilla Firebird! More information can be found at the Oubliette home page if you're interested. Download, and enjoy!
For those to missed it here are the pictures Janet's SuperBowl Nippleslip man is she desperate for attention or what...