Tuesday, June 29, 2004

G-Mailto, Part 2

A new version of G-mailto is available. Version 1.1 gives you a choice which browser you'd like to open the compose window in. In addition to the update to this already great program, there's a link on the page to a Firefox plug-in that does the same thing. This is nice if you use it at work and your default e-mail client is Outlook. With the Firefox plugin you can still send mailto links to GMail!

Firefox - The Browser, Reloaded

Firefox 0.9.1 was released this morning. Download, and enjoy.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Firefox 0.9.1 is coming

The Burning Edge: Firefox 0.9.1 is coming. Mostly bug fixes for the theme and extension manager. The default theme will also be tweaked.

Viruses and the University Network

Some good discussion and off-topic bantering going on at Slashdot about "Should Colleges Monitor Students' PCs?" The liberal-arts college in question is forcing PC users to download and install software that will allow patches and virus definitions to be pushed onto the computer. A very hands-free solution for the student, but it raises some privacy concerns. I also don't like what I'm hearing about how MAC addresses can be changed.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

AOL Employee Steals 92 Million Screennames for Spammers

Check out the Google News listing. I think everybody who has anything to do with data security isn't surprised at something like this happening. Make all the AOL jokes you want -- it could be any ISP.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Not rain nor sleet nor snow will stop delivery of our email posts

For the last couple of days, Blogger wouldn't accept any email postings. IceBurrg and I sent a few test posts that didn't get delivered until sometime this afternoon or evening. I removed those posts, and learned that when posting via email, Blogger doesn't interpret HTML code in plain-text messages. Sigh. I have way too much fun putting in my own link tags.

mini Mini with a Mini

chopper_D's recent purchase is pretty nice. With this Gizmodo news of Mini Coopers getting the built-in iPod Mini's, perhaps he might be feeling a little twinge of buyer's remorse.

Babylon Trek?

...to boldly go where no Babylon 5 season has gone before. Seriously now, who doesn't have an idea for a new Star Trek series?

Somebody, please think of the children!

Remember Sen. Orrin Hatch? Last year he caused an uproar when he said copyright holders should be allowed to remotely destroy the computers of music pirates. Now, he's introducing the Induce Act, which will outlaw any device that can be used to circumvent copyrights, and incriminate any person distributing those devices, according to News*(.com)^2. That means P2P stuff, ReplayTV and even VCRs could be illegal. News of the bill is spreading, so expect a nice national outrage by free geeks everywhere very soon. What really ticks me off is that Hatch is using the "Please, think of the Children!" defense for this publicly, when we all know he's just getting money from the MPAA and RIAA.

Today's forecast calls for sunny weather!

If you're a fan of Meteorologist for Mac OS X and have been frustrated lately, you're not alone. Early versions of the program were great, but the last couple of releases were awful. It seems their only function was to crash on startup. Well it appears that someone new has picked up the development of this software (gotta love Sourceforge!) and there's a new version out. Version 1.4.0a is an alpha release developed to fix the majority of the crashes out there. Download, and enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

New Details: iRiver PMC-100 Portable Media Center

iRiver PMC-100 Portable Media Center just keeps getting cooler this one sports a few games too as well as audio/video capabilities.

New kid on the block

iRiver America - PMP-120check this bad boy out, only thing that would make this package any sweeter is a 40gb drive instead of a 20gb one.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Looks like Bill's running scared and Yahoo is upping the ante.

iTunes Auto Edition?

Steve Jobs dropped a hint that iTunes may be coming to a car near you. Chopper_D will be very interested methinks...

Pop goes the Gmail! - Engadget

There's already a program (similar to YahooPOPS) that allows you to check your GMail using a POP3 mail client. Personally, I can't think of many reasons to do this. Kinda defeats the purpose of that wonderful GMail interface and great search features. It might be useful as a means to get mail on a portable device, but that's about it (IMO).

Thunderbird 0.7 Release Candidate Now Available

Thunderbird 0.7 RC is now available for download. It's nice to see they fixed the problem where Thunderbird crashed coming out of sleep mode in OS X. More important changes include the new extension manager, minor improvements to junk mail, and IMAP improvements.

Nvu .3 released

Nvu 0.3 was released today. Download, and enjoy! Important changes include tip of the day, spellchecker, and online bug reporting.

Who let the Fox out?

Mozilla Firefox (the best web browser in the world) just got better! 0.9 was released today, so download and enjoy. Want to know what's new in this release? Read the What's New article at The Burning Edge's web site (Release notes from Mozilla.org are also available). Don't feel like reading release notes? Well, here's a guided tour. Don't forget to stop by the Mozilla store and pick up a t-shirt, polo shirt, or plush toy.

Monday, June 14, 2004


If you haven't noticed yet, Newegg just rolled out a site update. While it's nothing dramatic, the site is even easier to navigate now. Normally, web site updates are hardly blogworthy, but when the best computer store in the 'verse gets better I think it's worth mentioning. Quick poll for the comments: who hasn't purchased computer parts from Newegg?

Thursday, June 10, 2004

One year closer to death

IceBurrg, the creator of this site and highly-talented SysAdminNazi, is celebrating a birthday today. To celebrate this most wonderful of days, please feel free to purchase him one of many decorations from some of his favorite movies.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Engadget has a story about the ongoing lawsuit against Blackberry. While it's an interesting read, I blogged this because of his use of the word "Crackberry". I wonder if the crackberries taste like snosberries...

New Good Stuff

From Thinkgeek, something useful and something silly. Neither of those get you excited? How about the Flycatcher Mark II?

Monday, June 07, 2004

What is it?

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Apple's AirPort Express. Wow! If this wasn't on Apple's web site, I wouldn't have believed it.

Google Search Appliance

Google Search Appliancewho needs SharePoint?

Evil Dead 1 & 2 - The Musical

Evil Dead 1 & 2 - The Musical I thought I had seen it all.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

The Gimp is back, new and improved

The GIMP 2.1.0 was released today. I don't see any builds for the PC or OS X yet, but they can't be far behind.

Friday, June 04, 2004

0.9 is on the way!

According to Mozillazine, Firefox 0.9 is almost here: "We're targeting a 6/12 or 6/14 (earlier better) release date for 0.9." This will be a feature complete release (all features that are targeted for 1.0 will be included - only bugfixes left for 1.0).The world's best browser is about to get better! Be assured that I will post the download info within minutes of it's release.

Friday Apple news

AppleInsider has pictures of the unreleased Power Mac G5. No earth-shattering changes, but it's still one of the best looking boxes around! Also from AppleInsider, some Tiger news. Lastly, “10 Things Apple Did To Make Mac OS X Faster” from the Unofficial Apple Weblog.

Join LARGEST Consumer Advocacy Site for Gas Prices!

Guys I found these in one of the IT mags GasPriceWatch.com & GasBuddy.com . People from all over post Gas pricing in their local Areas, seems like something worthwhile these days.

You can search for you home area or become a spotter ( post up prices) for your area. Hopefully this helps all of our wallets.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Exchange Server 2003 Scpk 1

Download and try out exchange New Service Pack for Exchange 2003 also available is their Exchange Intelligent Message Filter as well the All-In-One Tools download. Be curious to know how these updates have worked for anyone?

United States Patent: 6,727,830

It's official, Microsoft has patented the double-click. (Thanks to Metafilter for the link). Next on their list to patent: breathing and the color blue. I find this ironic, because I bet they stole the concept of double-clicking from Xerox, just like they stole their operating system. If you don't agree that there's something wrong with the US Patent system, you need to read Techdirt more!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Yahoo's Anti-Spyware Toolbar doesn't work

There's a post on Techdirt that talks about how bad the new Yahoo anti-spyware tool is. "...they want to look good to users in the front, while letting in spyware/adware from partners through the backdoor." Sounds just like the tool I was looking for. Isn't this a little like the mafia buying off cops to avoid prosecution? The only thing worse than not having an anti-spyware tool is having one that you think works but doesn't.

New copyright law drives out CloneCD sheep

A classic is under attack for those who are still looking for a recent copy you may goto slysoft By the way the slysoft program is a great DVD copy protection breaker for copying.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

June Tool

There's an old tradition on Stupidusers called Tool of the Week that has been ignored for a long while now. I hereby bring this tradition back in grand style with my nomination for Tool of the Month: Jeff Vintar.

Not content with just ruining I, Schmoebot, Screenwriter Hack extraordinaire Jeff Vintar is working on an adaptation (read: butchering) of Asimov's foundation novels. He wants to "create something which is still recognizably Foundation, and yet give us a narrative that has the requirements of a film." I've got a better idea: stay far, far away from this movie. You're already on my list with Keanu, Ewoks, and Jar-Jar, please don't make it any worse...